Personal Life Coaching Terms and Conditions

1. Nature of the Relationship

1.1 These coaching sessions are intended for planning,education, and motivation purposes.
1.2 Kristen Lee is not providing psychological counseling, therapy, or anyother type of counseling services.
1.3 Kristen Lee will keep confidential information private unless required bylaw to disclose it.

2. Defaults and Cancellation Policy

2.1 Default: Payment must be made before eachsession. Failure to pay by the agreed-upon date will be considered a defaultunless otherwise discussed.
2.2 Cancellation: You must provide at least 24 hours' notice forcancellations, including the reason for cancellation, to Kristen Lee’s coachingadministrator.

3. Transfers, Program Changes, Missed & RescheduledSessions

3.1 Coaching sessions are non-transferable and must beattended by the enrolled client.
3.2 Once a session schedule is set, changes require at least 24 hours' advancenotice and approval from Kristen Lee.
3.3 Missed sessions will be counted as completed and will not be rescheduled.
3.4 Late arrivals will not extend the scheduled session time.
3.5 Additional 30-minute coaching sessions may be available for an extra fee.Contact Kristen Lee for pricing details.

4. General Provisions

4.1 Warranties: This agreement constitutes the entireagreement between the parties, superseding any prior representations, oral orwritten. Any modifications must be in writing and signed by both parties.
4.2 Terms & Conditions: Signing this agreement is required beforecoaching sessions commence. Failure to sign will result in cancellation.
4.3 Pricing: Any applicable price increases will be communicated inwriting. Absent written objection, the client agrees to the updated pricing.

5. Indemnification

The client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless KristenLee, her affiliated companies, officers, directors, and employees from anyclaims, suits, expenses, or liabilities arising from participation in coachingsessions. The client accepts responsibility for any outcomes resulting fromcoaching advice.

6. Disputes

All unresolved disputes will be settled by bindingarbitration under the Commercial Rules of the American Arbitration Associationin Atlanta, Georgia. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State ofGeorgia.

7. Duration of Contract

This Personal Life Coaching Agreement remains in effect forone year from the signed date.

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